It's More Than Juggling (Stalling)Page 2
When I kick, alone or with others, for schools, in demonstrations, or just
in the park, there are always people watching who enjoy tremendously what they
see. Often they begin to learn how to kick a footbag themselves. They hear
about the "tournaments" and go for awhile and then get disenchanted,
just as I have. But they continue kicking, in a real FREESTYLE, for their own
enjoyment and fitness, achieving new plateaus in their development. Moreover,
BECAUSE THEY WERE TAUGHT A BASIC STYLE that will help them develop their own
style and abilities. They become fluid, graceful, and competent kickers who no
longer compete in "sanctioned" events.
The benefits of continuous kicking are well established because it
develops total eye/foot coordination (read the Bloughchi
research paper). Within a kicking circle,
everyone is kicking with the intention of keeping the footbag in the air, in
MOTION, and passing it off to another player. There is rapport, multiple moves
and a mutual as well as individual growth. It requires proper stance and
development of back and side kicks and the willingness to move. Eventually, you
can know where the footbag is going when it is kicked and be able to respond
We published my book, "Footbag Dance"
online so you have some guidance in developing your freestyle and we have
recently put a mpg in the site. This was done to show you what you need to
know: the stance and the 360· area around you in which you can control the
footbag by developing strong side, back, and toe kicks in addition to the inside
Consider this a challenge to grow!
This is a sport that I love and have dedicated myself to
promoting and developing. Anyone who knows me, knows that I know what I am
talking about when the topic is footbag. Getting on the internet is allowing me
to reach out to kickers everywhere. The healthy advancement of this sport
requires serious thought, dedication to excellence and equality, and the
willingness to step into a new era of footbag kicking.